Parenting a newborn baby can be an incredibly rewarding experience. It can be very difficult, especially with sleepless nights, and crying fits that have no rhyme or reason. Parents will do everything they can to keep their baby safe and healthy, especially during the first few months of life when illnesses are a real threat. Many chiropractors in San Diego want to educate parents about the benefits of chiropractic care for their infants.
Is it safe?
It is easy to understand that parents are protective and may question the safety in taking their newborn child to a chiropractor. Many parents believe they cannot afford to not take their baby in for an adjustment. There is no need to be afraid as all chiropractors are trained in working with kids.
A chiropractic adjustment for an adult may include loud cracking and popping noises. When a chiropractor adjusts an infant, the adjustment is much gentler. They use different techniques in order to achieve the same result. The adjustment is often not noticed by the child who may be snuggled up in a parent’s arms.
What are the benefits?
It is possible that the delivery process can lead to neurological issues and other health problems in infants, particularly if it is difficult. The delivery process can also cause a lot of physical stress to the neck, head and spine. This can lead to misalignment and interfere with the nervous system. Chiropractic care for the child can help relieve the stress on the spine and nervous system.
Regularly adjusting infants has many benefits. There are many benefits to regular infant adjustment.
- Sleeping patterns that are better
- Ear infections and ear pain relief
- Breastfeeding and latch problems?
- Help with colic or Irritable Baby Syndrome
- Healthy brain development
- Immune system strengthened
- Help with digestive disorders
All of this is possible because chiropractic treatment supports the nervous system and the immune system, allowing for the body to work properly. Chiropractic care allows the body’s natural healing process to take place, without the use of drugs or surgery. This is important for an infant, who may not have been alive very long.
If you have any questions about the benefits of chiropractic care for your infant, then please contact one of the many reputable San Diego chiropractors to get them on the road to happiness and health.
You may forget that babies are just small humans. Chiropractic care is also beneficial for adults and newborns alike. These benefits of chiropractic treatment for infants may surprise you.
Babys can sleep better
This is a benefit of chiropractic care that both parents and babies will enjoy! Misaligned vertebrae could be to blame for sleepless nights.
Colic prevention
Colic can be caused by many factors. The most common cause of colic is a poorly developed gastro-intestinal system. It is unpleasant to feel like you have gas bottled up.
The small intestine can be stimulated by a gentle muscle manipulation to move gas and fluids.
Acid reflux or gastroesophageal reflux?
Do you notice that your baby is spit-up a lot, or does he show signs of stomach aches? Pediatricians usually treat symptoms but not the cause. Chiropractic care is a more comprehensive approach to treating the problem.
- Usually, it is a vertebra that puts pressure on the stomach. All will be fine after a small adjustment.
Breastfeeding and latching assistance
Did you know that babies must learn to breathe, swallow and suckle using multiple muscles, joints and nerves? It’s not easy.
- It all comes back to the spine. Misalignment will interfere with proper body functions. Both the mother and baby can feel more comfortable with breastfeeding if a slight adjustment is made.
It helps to treat and prevent ear infection
Another common infant illness is ear infections. Ear infections occur when fluid and/or pressure builds up in the Eustachian tube. The tube can be opened by gently manipulating the muscles surrounding it.
Immune system is boosted
The goal of every parent is to keep their child as healthy as they can. Chiropractic care for babies is beneficial to the nervous system. When the spine aligns, everything works better, including immune function.
- A proper growth and development is possible with the aid of certain tools
- Your posture will improve when your spine is aligned. This promotes a proper growth rate.
How to correct a spine that is misaligned
This has been said before. It’s true that childbirth can be stressful. The pressure of being born, whether naturally or by C-section, is enormous on the neck and spine of a baby.
Toddlers are less likely to be injured
Regular chiropractic care is beneficial for both adults and infants. Regular chiropractic visits are a great way to encourage proper growth in your child as they learn to crawl, stand, and walk independently.
Outward bumps, bruises, and scrapes are easy to spot. Strains on the spine and nervous system are less visible. Chiropractors can detect even the slightest change and make adjustments as necessary.